Falls Creek to Mount Bogong – An Epic Hike

Falls Creek is best-known as a mountain biking mecca, but it also boasts endless walking trails that explore its alpine wilderness. Here you will find historic huts, snowgums recovering from fire damage, and Mount Bogong all within reach.

Attracting both recreational and ambitious mountaineers alike, mountain air is sure to rejuvenate and revive you. Just don’t forget your 1:25,000 scale VicMaps and compass for safety purposes!


Falls Creek, an iconic high country village in Australia’s Australian outback region, offers trails that range from easy strolls to historic huts and epic day hikes up mountain ridges. Experience fresh mountain air as you breathe in vibrant alpine wildflowers or look out for wild brumbies or the rare mountain pygmy possums that inhabit these grounds.

At Victoria’s Alpine National Park, there’s something to suit every fitness level and experience level – from challenging day hikes to epic overnight loops! By following some key guidelines and following safety advice, you can have an incredible adventure experience in Victoria while remaining safe!

Experienced day walkers may want to consider undertaking the Mount Bogong Circuit as an exciting way to witness its beauty in high country areas. Typically, this loop includes three camping spots at Bogong Creek Saddle, Ropers Hut and Cleve Cole Hut; it can be taken either clockwise or anticlockwise and GPS devices can help guide them. Paper maps or compasses would be essential in case of battery or signal issues or outages along the route.

Beginning at Watchbed Creek Trackhead near Rocky Valley Storage, the trail gently climbs along a wide management track before gradually descending to Big River where a chain bridge allows it to cross safely. Following that descent, T Spur offers an exhilarating climb above treeline in true alpine conditions.

Continue ascending until reaching Cleve Cole Hut, located near a creek amidst magnificent Snow gums. This well-kept and comfortable base camp makes an excellent homebase if summitting Bogong on Staircase Spur the following day is on your itinerary. From here it’s just a short jaunt away to its summit cairn; beware though; its ascent can be quite steep at times!

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Cleve Cole Hut

Mt Bogong towers at 1986 metres, dwarfing all other mountains in Victoria. There are various trails leading up to its summit; among these is Staircase Spur trail – considered among the more difficult hikes of Alpine National Park and should only be attempted by experienced high-country hikers.

From Watchbed Creek Trackhead, you will follow Watchbed Creek for several kilometres before crossing over into treeline territory. In places, the terrain may become difficult and stoney; therefore it is recommended that you bring along both a walking pole and good ankle support to make this stretch more manageable.

Cleve Cole Hut, located half-way up Staircase Spur (though it seems further away!), is an authentic stone structure maintained by members of Mount Bogong Club as a Crown hut regulated by Alpine National Park and maintained according to national park rules.

There are a couple of toilets and ample space around the hut in the snow gums, providing ample facilities. Weekends tend to get busy as backpackers and hikers do overnight treks from there; no power outlets exist at this hut so ensure that you bring enough lightweight, dry camping gear with you for your stay.

As much as you might be comfortable using GPS for navigation, always bring along paper maps and compass as backup in case your device dies or stops working properly. In winter months hiking, having an emergency first aid kit at hand may also come in handy.

Eskdale Spur

Mount Bogong (1986m), Victoria’s highest mountain, can be found in Alpine National Park and provides a formidable challenge with its epic climbs, breathtaking alpine scenery, and historic huts. A five to six day expedition requires physical fitness as well as an adventurous spirit; its reward: stunning alpine views.

Starting in Mountain Creek, this hike follows Watchbed Creek for several kilometres before crossing over and climbing steeply above it to cross over into tree line territory. From here on out the track becomes increasingly steep rocky and exposed as you climb towards summit. Weather in mountains can change quickly so be ready for sun, snow and high winds during all seasons of hiking!

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On this route, it is strongly suggested that you stay at Michell and Bivouac Huts as accommodation options. Both offer camping spots, drop toilets, rainwater tanks – though if not regularly utilized they could run dry! Cleve Cole Hut has more substantial rainwater tanks which should provide ample hydration; however it would always be wise to carry extra water with you just in case!

From here, the track continues its ascent up and over T Spur to reach Mount Bogong’s northern slopes before descending back down towards a junction with Australian Alps Walking Track before turning westerly toward Cleve Cole Hut. Alternately, Eskdale Spur can be deviated off for Granite Flat Spur Track which may provide more direct travel but with additional ascent and descent on your journey.

From here, take the Big River Firetrail back down towards the treeline before rejoining Duane Spur to reach Ropers Hut. Here you can take a rest before continuing uphill towards Mount Bogong’s summit.

Michell Hut

From day hikes to epic loops that cover some of Victoria’s High Country peaks, this hike provides something for every hiking taste. But before setting out on any alpine journey it’s essential that you know exactly what awaits you as alpine conditions can often change unexpectedly and quickly – make sure you have sufficient food and water supplies, an accurate map (ideally 1:25,000 scale), compass and emergency phone app such as VicEmergency or Emergency Plus handy at all times!

Starting after a delicious breakfast, your climb will begin in earnest. Most of it lies above treeline on trails cut through steep cliff faces, windblown scree and otherworldly snow gums – it can be challenging and your muscles may start ache.

From Bogong Creek Saddle junction, it’s just a short journey uphill to reach the summit of Mount Bogong with its lodestar cairn. On clear days, taking your time exploring 360 degree views may well make the extra effort worth while.

Back on the trail, it is a two hour descent to Big River which may be waist deep in places, then another four hour trek downhill towards Mt Creek campsite and hopefully some cold beverages waiting in your car. Once back above treeline on Quartz Ridge Track you should feel yourself being pulled toward Bogong again.

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On Day Two of our journey, Michell Hut is reached via an enjoyable walk on Eskdale Spur and a delightful stroll along a creek lined with snow gum trees and rustic cabins made from old tin huts – it offers rustic accommodation in an idyllic location!


The Bogong Alpine Way offers stunning walking and hiking trails that showcase the breathtaking high country landscape. Historic huts, regenerating snowgum forests damaged by fire, and Mount Bogong offer truly distinctive alpine experiences for you to discover on this trek.

Are you ready to step up your day walking and trail running game in Victoria’s High Country? These spectacular circuits cover various levels of difficulty and take you across rugged valleys and across mountain rivers with steep trails that weave their way in and out of this alpine terrain.

Starting from Mountain Creek, this loop will lead you to Cleve Cole Hut and Staircase Spur – two stunning landmarks on Mount Bogong that offer breathtaking views when clear weather prevails. Be mindful when traversing this steep track as its conditions may prove challenging – taking your time will ensure a rewarding ascent to Mount Bogong! On a clear day it is truly spectacular.

After staying the night at Cleve Cole, it’s a short walk down to Big River; water levels may reach waist deep during periods of heavy rainfall so it is wise to cross with caution. Next up is an enjoyable hike up Staircase Spur towards Bogong Saddle where Mount Bogong (one of Australia’s most famous summits) awaits discovery.

Falls Creek’s mountains offer walking trails suitable for everyone, from casual strolls and scenic vantage points, overnight hikes and the epic trek up Mount Bogong itself. Breathe in fresh mountain air while taking in stunning vistas – you might even catch sight of wild brumbies or rare mountain pygmy possums! Mount Beauty provides an ideal starting point to discover this magnificent alpine region.