Alpine Hike – Mount Bogong to Mount Feathertop

Mount Bogong to Mount Feathertop is an exciting hike, offering multiple paths. The Razorback trail from Falls Creek provides the shortest journey, though other trails lead directly to its summit via Staircase Spur and Eskdale.

Staircase Spur track presents one of the toughest challenges, involving an intense climb through changing vegetation to reach the ridgeline. Rated grade 5, winter can bring snowfall and strong winds – something this hike may offer as well!

Staircase Spur Track

The Staircase Spur Track is an expansive and challenging hike up Mount Bogong in Victoria. Only those physically fit and confident should attempt it; usually done as day hike but you may wish to stay overnight at one of Victoria’s backcountry huts along the route.

Starting at Mountain Creek Picnic Ground in Alpine National Park near Mount Beauty village, take the Mountain Creek Track 4WD track over multiple stream crossings until reaching Staircase Spur Track walking trail which is the most commonly taken path up Mount Bogong – here you will see many people hiking this way!

After traveling approximately 2km along the trail you will arrive at Federation Hut, an established backcountry hut where hikers can stop for lunch and/or camping. Hikers should consider stopping here due to its protection from windy conditions; otherwise it can become very blustery on this portion of the path. After enjoying lunch or camping here you will continue along your trek through snow gum woodland and alpine grassland before climbing above treeline where visibility deteriorates rapidly – it is therefore crucial that hikers keep an eye out on weather at this stage!

As you approach Mount Bogong’s summit, you will pass a rock cairn and an open, rocky plateau which serves as its summit. Here, the views can be quite stunning; on a clear day they should extend all the way across to Mount Hotham and Buffalo and as far as Kosciuszko Range peaks.

Once at the peak, descend via Eskdale Spur Track for a longer but gradual descent to Michell Hut. Here you can camp or continue back down Mountain Creek Track to your starting point.

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Eskdale Spur Track

The Eskdale Spur Track offers another route to Mount Bogong’s summit. However, this difficult hike involves climbing over steep terrain and spending considerable time in an alpine environment that has claimed numerous hikers’ and skiers’ lives over time. As such, this should not be attempted by those without prior mountain experience or those looking for an easier experience.

Beginning from Mountain Creek Picnic Ground, where a 4WD track passes over several stream crossings and where the Staircase Spur walking track starts (this trail was previously used to drive cattle up onto high plains), your journey begins at Mountain Creek Picnic Ground with an easy yet gradual ascent towards Mt Bogong.

After approximately one kilometre of climbing, the path breaks through the treeline and leads to Summit Hut. There you will find three memorial cairns commemorating three hikers who perished here during a blizzard in 1943 while trying to reach Cleve Cole Hut. Mt Bogong (1986m) dominates this area from all directions, providing stunning panoramic views over surrounding mountains and valleys from its summit.

Weather permitting, from the summit it is possible to view Razorback Mountain and Feathertop Peak from Feathertop, with Mt Kosciuszko also visible on clear days. The return trek follows much the same route; although you could save some walking by driving directly to Camp Creek Gap (though this would only be recommended if camping at Camp Creek Gap Hut).

While this hike requires high fitness levels and is an arduous endeavor, it offers unparalleled scenery and inspiring heritage. Due to the exposed climb, there are few shelter options from the elements – so bring along warm clothing and plenty of water as untreated tank water is available at both Federation and MUMC huts, as well as on West Kiewa River and numerous springs along the trail. In addition, waterproof GPS units should always be carried.

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Bivouac Hut

Mount Bogong offers one of the most challenging and rewarding overnight hikes available in Victoria. While its summit ridge may be ultra exposed, its breathtaking views and unique rock formations more than make up for any discomfort endured along its trail. However, timing your visit for peak snow sports season should help avoid being overwhelmed with skiers and snowboarders at its summit – consider doing a car shuffle with friends so you can use alternative trails back down.

Starting your hike from Bogong Creek Saddle just above Mount Beauty, two trails lead directly to its summit: Staircase Spur or Eskdale Spur track. Both lead directly to its destination but Staircase Spur presents more difficulty due to its steeper stairwell and more challenging ridge climb compared with Eskdale Spur Track; once at its top however, the trail gradually becomes easier.

Once at the summit of Staircase Spur, you will reach Federation Hut camping site. No longer a hut but offering some flat camping space amongst snow gums, it offers some level camping spots near it. After traveling along a more challenging section of trail which requires careful footing due to loose stones, eventually reaching former Feathertop Bungalow hut site and Federation Hut track which have now been abandoned but may provide space for camping nearby.

From here, head to Ropers Hut, an old stone hut offering comfortable facilities such as toilets and running water. On weekends it can become quite busy due to hikers making an overnight journey up Mount Bogong; therefore it is advisable to book in advance to secure a spot here or camp nearby on its large grassy area. Alternatively, Cleve Cole Hut is another fantastic backcountry hut providing toilets and running water that makes for great overnight and day hikes alike.

Mount Feathertop

Razorback Track, traversing Hotham to Mount Feathertop is perhaps the most iconic hike in this part of Victoria Alps, yet other trails provide more varied and scenic experiences, like Northwest Spur/Tom Kneen track – which provides gradual climbing above snowline from lush forest to Mount Feathertop via lush green forest and gradual rise above snowline without long or steep climbs from Harrietville as required on Razorback walk; Northwest Spur/Tom Kneen track may be more suitable for those lacking endurance for long out and back treks like other longer walks along Razorback walk; alternatively it might provide more suitable challenging longer hike options without exertion on its out and back trip along its razor sharp ridge ridge ridge ridge.

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Starting from Stony Creek Road, this trail can become overgrown as it heads down into a valley and skirts private property fence lines; however, with intentions boards and signs at both ends to guide hikers along the route, following them should be relatively straightforward. Once across Ovens River using natural stepping stones you’ll arrive at Federation Hut which serves as both overnight camping space and water tank storage; many hikers stay here while on an overnight trek up Feathertop.

From the hut it is only a short stroll to Mount Feathertop’s summit – widely recognized as one of Australia’s most stunning mountains. The north side cliffs are particularly magnificent and offer amazing vistas; additionally there are several small rocky platforms at its summit for taking in these breathtaking sights. Unfortunately it should be remembered that snowy cornices on this mountain can be unstable; at least one person dies every decade from falling onto one.

This hike offers spectacular scenery that is suitable for either an out and back day trip or an overnight excursion. Hikers undertaking the latter option must camp overnight at either Federation Hut or MUMC Hut (about 500m further along Tom Kneen Track), both providing kitchen facilities, toilet facilities and beds for their stay.