High Country’s Eco-Friendly Water Bottle Refilling Stations

Environmental harm caused by disposable plastic bottles has long been acknowledged, both in landfills and the ocean. They create irreparable damage.

Hydration and sustainability have become paramount considerations for many. Bottle filling stations offer an ideal way to meet both these goals, with demand skyrocketing for these convenient water dispensers for good reason.

1. Reducing Plastic Footprints

Staying hydrated and healthy are top priorities, but bottled water may not be as environmentally-friendly. Reusing plastic or stainless steel water bottles instead can help preserve our planet. Plastic bottles typically end up in landfills where it takes anywhere between 250-450 years for them to decompose completely; in the meantime microplastics may enter bodies of water, polluting drinking water supplies, harming wildlife, and negatively affecting human health.

Refill stations can be an efficient and cost-saving strategy to reduce plastic bottle waste, greenhouse gas emissions and costs associated with recycling efforts. A recent study conducted by Healthy Land and Water (HLW) demonstrated this by showing how water bottle refill stations located near litter hot spots on Brisbane River (such as areas along its course with high concentrations of trash) significantly decreased beverage container litter; two most used stations at Niagara Falls State Park alone saved an estimated total of 129,765 bottles during their yearlong research program!

Elkay’s EZH2O Filtered Bottle Filling Stations are vandal-resistant, designed to fit in most spaces and come equipped with an optional chiller to keep beverages cold. Their recessed opening ensures clean fills without splashing, and their easy maintenance includes diagnostic screen and replaceable filter to reduce chlorine, odor and contaminants for healthier, better tasting water.

Compare filtered water refill stations to fountains; these filtration water refill stations can deliver up to ten times more drinking water for the same cost and space requirements. Furthermore, one such station, called EZH2O bottle filling station can even accommodate large water containers, making it an ideal solution for hikers and campers. Installing water refill stations in locations where single-use plastic water bottles are commonly seen such as parks, hospitals and airports is key to decreasing plastic waste generation in your community. By encouraging friends, family and colleagues to switch over to reusable bottles and supporting businesses that offer bottle refill options you can help raise public awareness regarding sustainable practices and create lasting change for generations to come.

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2. Encouraging Eco-Friendly Practices

Refill stations provide an accessible, eco-friendly method of getting access to filtered water for those who do not prefer carrying 5-gallon plastic jugs around with them. Furthermore, refill stations encourage proactive hydration practices that support healthy habits in children as well as adults alike.

Bottle fill stations have become increasingly popular among workplaces, schools, hospitals and other public facilities looking for sustainable hydration solutions that are cost-effective and convenient. This trend may be partially attributable to an increased focus on hygiene after the COVID-19 pandemic; consumers seeking quick access to clean filtered water have made bottle fill stations increasingly sought-after solutions.

With the rising popularity of outdoor activities like hiking and sports, people are investing in sturdy yet lightweight reusable bottles for sports and hiking activities. These bottles usually feature sleek aesthetics with easy handling features to appeal to consumers seeking portable hydration solutions without interfering with professional or leisure activities alike.

Additionally, many reusable bottles are now made using eco-friendly materials to appeal to a broader consumer base. For example, Waiakea uses 100% post-consumer recycled PET (RPET), thus significantly reducing carbon footprints from material sourcing, production/distribution/transportation and end of life management processes.

Other manufacturers are taking an proactive approach to sustainability by encouraging users to recycle their used water bottles. A school in Watauga County, North Carolina recently implemented single-stream recycling to eliminate waste streams and decrease plastic waste levels in their community; additionally they are working toward becoming an official North Carolina Green School status which will benefit both environment and community alike.

Eco-friendly practices are supported by numerous resources and grants available to schools, businesses, communities and government buildings alike. For instance, The Drinking Fountain Association offers grants that fund installation of water bottle refill stations in schools and public areas.

Studies have demonstrated the power of small steps to have significant environmental benefits. Even something as seemingly minor as providing a refill receptacle has shown to change consumer behaviour away from single-use plastic bottle litter and shift consumer social norms towards refillable alternatives; when coupled with awareness campaigns this nudge effect can help reduce plastic waste across an environment as a whole.

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3. Promoting Healthy Lifestyles

Wellness lifestyles are an ever-increasing priority in communities around the globe, encouraging regular physical exercise, eating well and staying hydrated with plenty of water daily (15.5 cups for men and 11 12 for women). Bottle refill stations provide convenient way of refilling reusable bottles while decreasing disposable plastic waste.

Bottle filling stations have become a staple for businesses, schools and public spaces alike. Offering clean drinking water without incurring the financial and environmental costs associated with purchasing bottles of beverages can save people both money and the hassle of having to carry their water around with them – not to mention that these stations make drinking quickly and conveniently easy! With various bottle filling station options to meet varying environments and budget needs.

Watauga High School Sustainability Club students worked to foster a more environmentally-friendly community by installing five water bottle filling stations on campus with funds from a crowdfunding campaign. These stations have been welcomed by their community and have helped reduce disposable water bottle use on campus.

Hydration stations are an invaluable asset in the fight to reduce plastic pollution, and can be found at parks, schools and other places where people gather. For instance, Long Island’s 2023 #DontTrashLISound campaign included 11 state parks featuring hydration stations to allow visitors to fill up reusable water bottles while helping protect local wildlife from plastic pollution.

The EZH2O bottle filling stations come in several models to meet any need, from space-saving models that meet ADA compliance and vandal resistance to pushbutton activation and automatic 20 second shutoff timers for bubblers. Green Tickers built into each dispenser provide real-time information on the number of single-use plastic water bottles saved through reduced use.

Environmentally-friendly hydration stations reduce environmental impact by making water easily customizable with university or company logos, while some units are even Smart Connected Ready, enabling administrators to track usage and filter status through a central server. Each of these hydration stations features an insulated, hermetically sealed cooler and 1.1 GPM bubbler to deliver cold, fresh filtered water with each fill.

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4. Strengthening Communities

Bottle refill stations are making a real impactful statement about our communities by helping reduce plastic waste and promote sustainable hydration practices. By encouraging people to reuse their own water bottles instead of purchasing new single-use ones, refill stations are saving hundreds of thousands from becoming pollution that will harm our planet in other ways.

Elkay’s ezH2O bottle filling stations enabled one high school to prevent more than half-a-million bottles from ending up in landfills or oceans, thus significantly decreasing labor costs for school administration and disposal costs for trash.

Filing stations have become an expected amenity in schools and workplaces alike, and are also now expected in many parks and other community gathering places. Their increasing prevalence during the COVID-19 pandemic has increased consumer awareness about hydration and sustainability issues – both of which contribute to an increase in demand for this kind of fixture.

Elkay’s ezH2O Water bottle filling station features touchless, sanitary operation that’s three times faster than conventional fountains – all while remaining rugged enough for outdoor conditions. Furthermore, its removable nozzle can easily be cleaned out after each use and it comes in various colors to match any design aesthetic.

Hydration stations also play an essential role in strengthening communities by encouraging interaction among its inhabitants outside of their own homes or offices. Such engagement provides an ideal opportunity to form new relationships while encouraging positive behaviors such as recycling and cutting down plastic waste production.

New York State Parks conducted a study which revealed an average reduction of over 40% litter along trails of parks where water bottle filling stations had been installed, which proves their effectiveness at decreasing plastic bottle waste in our world. High Country is proud to support their efforts as customers, parks and community spaces to bring as many stations as possible across their territory.